Latests news about the conference

Video call with 6 female participants with
    a diversity of hair styles and colours, skin tones and are all smiling.
Three recially diverse women sitting on a sofa each with a
    laptop on their lap and smiling.

Thank you ❤️ PyLadiesCon 2024 received many proposals!

written by Cheuk on September 17, 2024

Call for Proposal of PyLadiesCon 2024 was closed on 15th September and we have received almost 200 proposals!

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Speaker Support for PyLadiesCon 2024

written by Cheuk on September 2, 2024

📢 The first round of mentorship will be closed on 15th Sept, new rounds will be open again for confirmed speakers of PyLadiesCon 2024

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Cfp Outreach Kit - French

written by Denny Perez on August 28, 2024

Chers organisateurs PyLadies, Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour diffuser la nouvelle de PyLadiesCon.

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Cfp Outreach Kit - Japanese

written by Denny Perez on August 28, 2024

PyLadies オーガナイザー, PyLadies メンバー, そしていつもPyLadiesをサポートしてくれてるみなさま PyLadiesCon 2024 の情報を広めるために、ぜひ協力をおねがいします! PyLadies のオーガナイザー、メンバー、サポーターの 1 人として、みなさん自身もこのカンファレンスのスピーカーになることもできますし、まだこのカンファレンスについて知らないかもしれない誰かがスピーカーになるかもしれない機会の創出を手伝うこともできます。ぜひ周りのPythonistaへ情報の拡散をお願いします。私たちのカンファレンスを素晴らしいものにするためにはみなさんの力が必要です。

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Cfp Outreach Kit - Portuguese

written by Denny Perez on August 28, 2024

Prezadas organizadoras, membros e apoiantes da PyLadies Precisamos da sua ajuda para espalhar a notícia da PyLadiesCon 2024.

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Cfp Outreach Kit - Spanish

written by Denny Perez on August 28, 2024

Queridas organizadoras, integrantes y seguidoras de PyLadies: Necesitamos su ayuda para difundir las novedades de PyLadiesCon 2024.

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Cfp Outreach Kit - Traditional Chinese

written by Denny Perez on August 28, 2024

親愛的 PyLadies 組織者、成員及支持者 我們誠摯地邀請您幫助我們擴大 PyLadiesCon 2024 的影響力。作為我們的組織者、成員及支持者,您的支持對我們來說非常寶貴。我們希望您能協助尋找潛在的優秀講者,同時向尚未聽說過 PyLadiesCon 2024 的人介紹本活動。您的聯繫和推薦將使 PyLadiesCon 2024 更加出色。

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Cfp Outreach Kit

written by Denny Perez on August 20, 2024

Dear PyLadies organizers, members, and supporters We need your help in spreading the news of PyLadiesCon 2024.

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Call for Sponsors

written by Naomi on August 16, 2024

Join us! Become a sponsor of the second edition of the Global PyLadies conference!

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Submit your talks to PyLadiesCon 2024!

written by Cheuk on August 14, 2024

Just like last year, PyLadies Con 2024 will be a multiple-lingual online conference, happening at 6th-8th December 2024.

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